Recoil Pattern Parameters
Below you can find the main parameters of the recoil pattern
RecoilSpeed - Recoil application speed
ShotsSpreadCurve - Additional camera offset for each shot The offset is randomized in the range [-x:-y, x:y] for each shot Curve Time - shot number Curve values X, Y - camera offset Curve value Z - not used;
ShotsSpreadCurveCompensationCoeff - "Normalize" the extra offset for each shot from @ShotsSpreadCurve Using this curve, you can control the amount of the next random when shooting depending on how much the current shot differs from the reference value (i.e. with 0 randomness) Time - randomness value of the previous shot (value from 0 to 1, where 0 is no randomness, and 1 is the maximum randomness) Value - decreasing coefficient of the randomness of the current shot (0 - no randomness for the current shot, 1 - unchanged for the current shot);
bEnableMaxRecoilCameraRotation - If true, enable @MaxRecoilCameraRotation
MaxRecoilCameraRotation - Max camera offset
BehaviorOnLimitUnitsReached - Type of behavior when reaching the limit of shots in the pattern
bEnableRelaxationOnlyAfterEndShooting - Enabling relaxation only after the end of shooting. Otherwise activated after each shot
RecoilRelaxationWaitingTime - Time that must elapse after the shot end of shooting to activate relaxation
bEnableRelaxation - If true, enable relaxation. Relaxation - return of the camera rotation to the initial position, which was before the start of shooting
MaxRelaxationValueUnits - Unit type @MaxRelaxationPitchValue
RelaxationSpeed - Relaxation application speed
bEnableMaxRelaxationPitchValue - If true, enable MaxRelaxationPitchValue
MaxRelaxationPitchValue - Maximum relaxation value (when it is reached, relaxation is disabled)
bWaitEndRecoilToActivateRelaxation - If true, waiting for the end of the application of recoil to start relaxation
bEnableMinRecoilToActivateRelaxation - If true, enable MinRecoilPitchToActivateRelaxation
MinRecoilPitchToActivateRelaxation - Minimum camera offset (as a result of recoil) to activate relaxation
StopRelaxationByPlayerInputType - Conditions for stopping relaxation as a result of input from the user
StopRelaxationByPlayerInputPitchValue - The minimum input from the user to stop the relaxation (For example: mouse movement or touch)
RecoilModifiers - Utilities for modifying recoil in runtime
Listing with types and specifiers ue4
Last updated